Yvette Gwin

Yvette was born and raised in the Los Angeles area. She has resided in Palos Verdes, Torrance and Reseda.Working as a chiropractic assistant for Dr. Kenneth Smith in Granada Hills enabled her with knowledge she would retain and greatly appreciate later. It was this training that led her to the love of massage therapy. Experience and continued education of the human body have been crucial in Yvette's therapeutic treatment. At the age of 19 she was transplanted to Northern California to a town called Paradise and made a life there of 35 years. It was there that she continued her education and was certified for massage therapy. High scores and a love for the art earned her the title of a "natural" from her instructor. Deep respect and appreciation for the human body set the tone for Yvette's approach to helping others. Adding more meaning to her life was becoming a mother and grandmother to 4 beautiful grandkids. This made it absolutely necessary that she have quality time for a life outside the office. With hard work and dedication she built a successful practice, spanning some 35+ years. On the morning of November 8, 2018, Yvette and over fifty thousand others lost their homes in a wildfire that devastated the town of Paradise. Each person's escape off the mountain was unique.. Unfortunately, the majority found themselves with the same outcome-homeless. For Yvette this was the death of the life she had known for 38 years. Though devastated and humbled, she was appreciative to be alive and in the position to help others. Now relocated to the beautiful Central Coast, which in no way was planned, creates its own set of new challenges...one of these being how to support one’s self in a new area. Yvette began to reflect on her early training with “Doc Smith”. He always emphasized treating people with dignity, kindness and the best treatment possible. Her desire now was to augment how she had been helping her clients over the years. Realizing from her own personal experience how we sometimes need more than one kind of therapy to heal, it inspired her to share her “tub tea” with others.

How Merci Tub Tea Started

Tub Tea has been a part of my life for so long that I can’t quite pinpoint when I initially created it. However, after surgery on a torn rotator cuff and clavicle repair in 2018 I had to give thought to how I would be able to continue helping others. Temporarily stopping most massage services to those who needed me while I was healing was almost unbearable. One thing I could do without impeding my recovery was to distribute my Tub Tea.Over the years I would send clients home with my Tub Tea after massage to treat inflammation. Tight and congested muscles restrict good blood flow thus creating a hostile environment for healing. Overuse, accidents, growing pains or some health issues are just some reasons that can cause pain and inflammation. Left untreated, inflammation can prevent even massage therapy because of discomfort. My Tub Tea often provided enough relief that I could continue to work on my clients.If your bath days are over. You can still use Tub Tea with the small cloth method. See non-bath instructions above.